Business Enterprise of Texas

Elected Committee of Managers

Training Links

 We try to provide access to several resources by which managers can continue their education independently.  The links on this page will direct you to the website of the respected training courses, material, or information.  Hopefully you find these opportunities to be beneficial, both in personal development and in profitability for your business.

Entrepreneur of Excellence Certificate

Entrepreneur of Excellence

NABM/NFBEI and The Hadley School for the Blind's Forsythe Center for Employment and Entrepreneurship now offer distance education business courses and modules.  Upon successful completion of each specified course or module, a Certificate of Achievement will be awarded by the Hadley School.  Upon completion of all certificate requirements, NABM will award an Entrepreneur of Excellence Certificate.

Randolph-Sheppard on the Web

Randolph-Sheppard on the Web

Randolph-Sheppard on the Web consists of regularly scheduled webinars focusing on business trends and challenges pertinent to blind merchants.  These live online discussions will enable you to work with other merchants and Business Enterprise Program (BEP) professionals to solve the pressing concerns that affect your business. If you don't have time to participate live, the seminars will be archived on the web so you can listen at your convenience.